Check out our training and clinics

Training & Clinics
The Tonga Rugby Legends offer bespoke trainings and youth clinics to help participants improve their core rugby skills all while delvering parcticipants with an unforgettable experience. Through their many years of professional Rugby experience they deliver specialist coaching, tailored to the participants abilities.
An overview of possible training focuses:
Training & Clinics
- Tackle technique
- Run Catch Pass
- Kicking
- Decision making
- Breakdown & maul
- Introduction to Rugby techniques
& much more!
An overview of special events:
Special Events:
In the past, the Tonga Rugby Legends have organised many special events, such as clinics for children in need as well as a Rugby Clinic for inmates, aiming to help them in their rehabilitation. Special event options include:
- Charity matches
- Special needs children coaching
- Guest coaching
- Sponsor related events
Read more about their previous special events here:
- Rugby Clinic with prison inmates at Turn Over Velsen: Gevangenisbewaarders, gedetineerden en deelnemers van Turn-Over samen op het rugbyveld | Turn Over
- Children and Adult Rugby Clinics: Velsense jeugd krijgt les van rugbyhelden Tonga en daarna nog even een echte haka | Noordhollands Dagblad
To learn more about all different possibilities surrounding the Tonga Legends, get in touch via the contact-us bar at the bottom of this page.
Feel free to contact us about any inquiry
Main Contact:
Robert van Trigt