Read about our beginnings

History of the Tonga Legends

Since 2011, founder Robert van Trigt (an ex-Netherlands rugby international), has been the initiator of various fundraising rugby teams that have contributed to successful events in the European Rugby world.  He fell in love with Tonga rugby after visiting the now famous RWC 2007 match between South Africa and Tonga

Followoing his passion for rugby he has met (former) professional rugby players from around the world who have joined him in the cause of fundraising through the beautiful sport of playing rugby. In 2019, after gaining a network of enthusiastic players who are eager to contribute to the right cause, he decided to start the “Tonga Legends” initiative.  

The first idea to create a charity driven Tongan rugby team dates back all the way to 2010, before any initiative had started. In that year Robert got in touch with Katalimoni, who is a Tonga national and who he has held tight relations ever since. Katalimoni introduced Robert to many players who joined his initiatives over the years and in 2017, when Robert had 4 Tongan players on one of his charity teams the question arose: how many players from Tonga have played professional Rugby in Europe? 

Combining their forces, Robert and Katalimoni managed to single out no less than 35 players who after being introduced to their initiative signed up for the “Tonga Legends” and have been a part of the team ever since. 

Want to get to know The Tonga Legends current roster? Check out the our team page now! 

Eager to find out the possibilities of having the Tonga Legends present at your next event? Contact us through the contact us form at the bottom of this page.

Feel free to contact us for any inquiry

Main contact

Robert van Trigt